Hey All 💜Have you all been suffering the ‘MASKNE’ phenomenon ? Where the acnes are just popping out all over your jawline and might be over your cheeks area too?
You are not alone! I am sure half of the planet is suffering the same issue too ! Having to wear a mask every time you go out since the Covid19 outbreak, the air and water droplets trap inside your mask can cause skin irritation and discomfort . And also lack of oxygen for your skin to breathe comfortably.
Here's some healing and useful tips on how to get rid of acne quickly that you can practice.
Follow these tips and you're one step closer to a glowing , clear , healthy skin !

Try using Natural Ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Tomato , Natural Honey & Yogurt and other natural remedies to calm your irritated and inflammation skin.
1 ➤ Aloe Vera
🠞If you have grown it at home, it is a bonus especially for those of you who are dealing with acne problems! 🠞But if there are no natural ingredients, it's okay because in the pharmacy there are various brands of Aloe Vera gel sold.
🠞The gel or mucus contained in Aloe Vera leaves is said to help shrink acne quickly.
🠞The gel or mucus contained in Aloe Vera leaves is said to help shrink acne quickly.
How To Use
🠞Take the mucus on the Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera gel you bought, apply it on the entire face or scarred area and leave it overnight.🠞Wash your face as usual when waking up
2 ➤ Tomato
🠞Tomatoes are also very beneficial for skin beauty including shaping and removing acne scars.How To Use
🠞The method is very simple, crush the tomatoes into a paste.🠞Use as a mask, leave for a while, rinse and then wipe the face dry.
🠞Put it in the fridge for a while, then use it as a mask.
3 ➤ Natural Honey & Yogurt
🠞Honey is known to have 1001 nutrients, including in terms of facial care. Honey is said to be good for removing acne scars.How To Use
🠞Take a teaspoon of honey and mix it with a teaspoon of real plain yogurt.🠞Put it in the fridge for a while, then use it as a mask.
🠞Leave overnight on your face and wash as usual the next morning.
If Natural Ingredients are not available at your home or you prefer a more clinical, chemical and dermatology proven products.
Make sure to follow these steps too ~!
4 ➤ Chemical Exfoliate
🠞It is advisable to use a chemical exfoliator to deep clean and exfoliate from within rather than using a physical exfoliator such as scrubs which might agitate your acne inflammation and spread more acne to your whole face.5 ➤ Use Proper Sunscreen / Sunblock / Sunshield
🠞Faces that are frequently exposed to unprotected ultraviolet radiation that causes us to look older from our actual age.🠞 It is also very dangerous and harmful to you as it can be a cause of skin cancer.
🠞Sunlight can also cause premature aging such as the appearance of sunspots, fine lines and wrinkles.
🠞Make sure you make the application of sunscreen a daily face care routine.
Read also : New.Bie Hydrating Everyday Sunshield , Nuvit Daily Defender
6 ➤ Use Appropriate Skincare
🠞Choose skincare that suits the skin so that the problems experienced can be addressed properly.🠞Before buying any product, first make sure your skin type so as not to cause worse problems.
🠞The use of skincare that is less suitable for the skin will cause excessive oil production and become the cause of clogged pores.
That is the cause of acne !!
🠞Therefore, it is very important that you choose the appropriate skincare so that your problem does not get worse.🠞You can find all these products at your nearest drug store or online. International or Local brands are still advisable for you to check the ingredients and make sure it is labelled and approved by the KKM.
Other than that , your body needs to be in a healthy condition to exude the radiant, glowing healthier you from within.
Thus , you must eat healthily, exercise , drink plenty of H20 and get a better rest and sleep well.
7 ➤ Eat healthily
🠞An unbalanced diet is also believed to contribute to acne problems.🠞Processed foods and contain oils cause why our skin is often problematic.
🠞Therefore, increase the intake of a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables.
🠞Taking the right amount of nutrients can help improve problem skin.
🠞Avoid foods that are processed or contain a lot of sugar to get beautiful and acne -free skin.
8 ➤ Enough rest
🠞Sleep and rest are believed to repair damage to the body and face.🠞Make sure to sleep at least eight hours a day because in addition to relaxing the body, it is also believed to remove harmful toxins from the body.
🠞Adequate sleep also has the ability to renew skin cells. Therefore, you are advised to go to bed early every day so that you can get enough rest.
9 ➤ Drink Empty Water
🠞Our bodies are made up of 70% water. The practice of drinking enough plain water every day will help our body operate properly.🠞Water helps remove toxins from the body and makes us younger & energetic.
🠞The amount of water taken is different for each individual depending on body weight.
10 ➤ Exercise
🠞Exercise is not only good for health but is also believed to reduce the problem of acne.🠞This is because during exercise, our body will release endorphin hormones. This hormone is believed to reduce stress and reduce oil production on the facial skin.
🠞Exercise can also remove sweat which gets rid of toxins in the body and cleanses dead skin cells.
🠞Exercising 30 minutes every day can help reduce acne and make us healthier and more energetic.
So there you are !! Hope these tips will help you to reduce, prevent and maintain your skin from getting more 'MASKNE' breakouts !!
Well that's all for now ! Thanks for reading my blog !! I hope you've enjoyed it !
Have a wonderful day and always be happy!!
Love and rise up ,
Be nice, Be respectful and Be responsible.
Zazasters a.k.a MamaMonsta👻
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