Hello Everyone 💙
To all mothers out there, have you all had any problem while trying to start breastfeeding your infant especially right after birth? Well , I did face some difficulties when I had my 1st born. Maybe I wasn't equip and prepare myself to begin with. I struggled on how to breastfeed the right way and dealing with engorgement because my baby didn't want to direct feed. I had to hand pump to express milk as I learned that it is not advisable to use electrical pump for the very 1st week.
But anyways, me having to deal with engorgement. Oh my god !~ Its really excruciating !~ The pain we woman as mothers has to endured before pregnancy ,while pregnant , while giving birth and after birth 😔 It's non-stop excruciating pain we have to feel and face ourselves but yet the joy of holding and cradling your adorable newborn somehow makes all that pain fades away and been forgotten, Am I right ladies ?! 😂
What I used to do while I was having engorgement was I placed a warm cloth over my breast and slowly massage my breast to ease the pain and make certain that my milk flows out nicely and slowly reducing the pain. But the thing is when you use cloth, you'll get wet too in the process!
I just thank god that my breast engorgement had subsided. I did not have to face with Mastitis. Do you know what is that and how to know whether you only have an engorgement breast or suffering from Mastitis? Here's are some information I gather for you to read and learn okay ?~!😄

Engorgement also called as clogged milk duct and mastitis are complications associated with breast feeding. Mastitis associated with breast feeding is also called lactational mastitis.
Breast engorgement (clogged milk duct) happens when there is a build-up of milk and fluid in the breasts. The blood vessels in the breasts also become congested (too full).
When your breast(s) are engorged, they become:
⇨ Firm or hard lump in one area of your breast.
⇨ Pain or swelling near the lump.
⇨ Milk plug/blister (bleb) at the opening of your nipple.
❗❗Engorgement can result in your nipples not protruding as much as usual, and your baby may not be able to latch on properly.❗❗
Breast engorgement can happen if:
⚡You are making more milk than your baby needs.
⚡Breast feeding your baby does not adequately drain your breasts
⚡Your baby misses a feed or is feeding infrequently.
Engorgement tends to happen more often in the weeks just after your baby is born, when a breastfeeding routine is still being established especially if your baby refused to direct feeding.
Engorgement can be treated with self-care measures and pain relievers if needed. A lactation consultant, midwife or your doctor can give advice on how to manage engorgement. Like me, the nurses at the hospital had educate and instruct me the correct way to breastfeed my child. THANKS A LOT 💖

How long before a blocked milk duct turns into mastitis?
Mastitis is most common in the first 2-3 weeks, but can occur at any stage of lactation. Mastitis may come on abruptly, and usually affects only one breast. Local symptoms are the same as for a plugged duct, but the pain/heat/swelling is usually more intense.
Mastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection. The inflammation results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness. You might also have fever and chills. Mastitis most commonly affects women who are breast-feeding (lactation mastitis)
In the 6 months after giving birth, Mastitis affects about 20 per cent of breast feeding women. Mastitis is most common in the first 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth to your baby. It also sometimes happens when you decide to stop breast feeding (wean your baby)
Symptoms of Mastitis
Mastitis symptoms (which often come on suddenly) can include:
💢 A sore breast that feels warm and tender to touch;
💢 Breast swelling, firmness or engorgement;
💢 Sharp or shooting pain in the breast that is worse with breast feeding;
💢 Tender, red lump(s) in the breast (from a blocked milk duct)
💢 ‘Shiny’ or red skin on the breast (often in a wedge shape) or red streaks on the breast;
💢 Feeling generally unwell with ‘flu-like symptoms (aches and pains, headaches, sweating)
💢 Feeling tearful and tired
💢 Fever.
Causes of Mastitis
Mastitis can be caused by blocked milk ducts when the breasts are too full and the milk is not draining properly. A blocked milk duct can cause the development of a tender breast lump. Mastitis can also be due to a cracked nipple.
❗❗Bacteria may get into the breast tissue, causing infection in the blocked milk ducts❗❗

photo credit : ausmed
Factors that can contribute to the development of mastitis include:
👉 The baby not latching on or positioning on the breast correctly.
👉 The baby having tongue-tie or another problem resulting in difficulties with breast feeding.
👉 Wearing a tight-fitting bra or tight clothing (which can increase the risk of blocked ducts).
👉 Breast engorgement.
👉 Stress and exhaustion. Not having enough time or just plain tired to pump excessive milk.
👉 Returning to work and you sometimes missed or did not pump out milk on time.
👉 Having previously had mastitis case too.
Treatment for Mastitis
Treatment for mastitis involves antibiotic treatment plus breast feeding advice to help effectively drain the breast, as well as self-care measures. Antibiotics may be prescribed to cure the infection. Untreated, severe mastitis can lead to a . Most antibiotics used to treat mastitis are safe to use while breast feeding your baby.
What helps with swollen breasts while breastfeeding?
How can I treat it?
💟Using a warm compress, or taking a warm shower to encourage milk let down.
💟Feeding more regularly, or at least every one to three hours.
💟Nursing for as long as the baby is hungry.
💟Massaging your breasts while nursing.
💟Applying a cold compress or ice pack to relieve pain and swelling.

Hence I want to share with you all a great item I have come across that helped me so much while I was on my 2nd breastfeeding journey. Introducing
Shapee Breast Therapy Thermal Pads.
Shapee 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Thermal Pads provide therapeutic relief for the most common breastfeeding challenges. Cold therapy to help relieve engorgement. Hot therapy to help relieve plugged ducts and mastitis. Also use hot with your breast pump to encourage milk let-down and reduce time spent pumping!
Product Features
- Soft, flexible design conforms to the breast
- Reusable
- Compatible with any breast pump to save you time pumping
- Latex and lead-free for safe use
- Microwave safe, BPA and BPS free

It comes with 2 reusable Shapee 3in1 Breast Therapy Thermal Pads , 2 soft washable covers to gently warm the skin and breast. It has velcro to attached between the cover and thermal pads and also 'Click Design' that offer full coverage on breast conveniently.
What I love about this Thermal pads is that it can be used hot or cold !! I use them cold whenever I need to soothe some pain or swelling from my breast or I used Hot therapy to stimulate milk flow. It is such a comfort to have assistance in a gizmo designated to assist breastfeeding moms.
Accommodate to any breast size for 360` full cover
help the packs to model the breast shape, aided by the segments. Maintain temperature in longer period.
FDA & BPS free, durable and capable of withstanding pressure.
Soft and mold to fit the breast comfortably.
Clean the pad in warm water with dish-washing soap.
For ultimate comfort and skin protection.
High quality Soft cover with Velcro.
Offer full breast coverage at convenient way.
Can be used while pumping and before breastfeeding to encourage on let-down

The Round Shape design accommodate to any breast sizes for full 360` cover and the Gel Bead Element helps the pack to model to the breast shape , aided by segment and maintain temperature for a longer period time.
For Hot Therapy, You can use it to heat up in the microwave or by soaking it in a hot water for 10-15 minutes. While you heat using microwave, make sure to always heat with the cover on okay !!While for Cold Therapy, you can keep it inside the freezer at least 1 hour before use.

Breast feeding, like parenting, is not always uncomplicated, especially in the first few weeks after birth. It can be easy to forget at this time that, like all new skills, breast feeding can take a while to learn and become really good at.
Many women who develop engorgement and mastitis are already feeling tired and run-down after the birth of their baby. Developing mastitis can trigger strong emotions, and depression and anxiety have also been associated with episodes of mastitis. Do seek any help from professional nurses, doctors or lactation advisors.
Remember, you are not ALONE.💗💝
Check out Shapee official sites
Website : http://www.theshapee.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/shapeeMY/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/shapeemy/

- Stay safe, Stay Healthy and Get yourself Shapee Breast Therapy Thermal Pads !!! 💓DONT FORGET TO LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE / FOLLOW 👍
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THANKS AND LOTS OF 💕🥰Love and rise up ,Zazasters a.k.a MamaMonsta👻 - #shapee #shapeemy #ParentingBlogger #loveourkids #ParentingBloggerMY
- #lifestyleblogger #mamamonsta #bloggerMY
- #malaysianlifestylebloggers #collaborationreview
- #mamamonstarreview #zazastersreview
- Well thats all for now ! Thanks a bunch for reading my blog !! I hope you enjoy as much as I do 😍😘
Tiba-tiba memegang dada terasa bengkak susunya adeiii...nyiluuu...tapi dulu letak kopis jee, now dah senang, guna aje alatannya, terus rasa nak sihat kann hehehehe
ReplyDeleteLama tinggal dunia bf. Anak bongsu pun dah sekolah rendah. Kalau kena bengkak susu mmg sakit..bagus juga ada alat macam ni.
ReplyDeleteWah pertama kali baca topik macam ni kak Zaza... boleh lah jadi rujukan saya d masa depan kat blog akak...
ReplyDeleteGOOD sharing for to be mothers who will be experiencing engorgement n mastitis. Dulu2 mana ada benda ni...
ReplyDeleteuihh! boleh eh panaskan dlm oven. risau meletup je..huhu
ReplyDeletesy pun bf anak. Ya Allah..cukup takut bila dh bengkak.. takut tersumbat nti jadi masalah lain.. memang saya pujuk anak sedut smpai kempis.hahahah
pernah kena bengkak susu masa dlm tempoh pantang je. sbb susu baru nak start meriah. Memang xde keje lain la pam je nak kasi lega. baby kecik lagi masa tu sampai jeluak la asik suh bf je..haha
This is one detail and thorough post on the benefits of the pad. I know for a fact ladies will find this post beneficial for them
ReplyDeletewah baguslah..serius bengkak susu memang sakit sangat. dulu sampai deman2 sebab bengkak susu. baguslah benda mcm ni utk ibu2 menyusu ni
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this useful information for women especially mothers. :)
ReplyDeleteAnak dah besar baru ada benda ni semua. Untung lahhh awakkkk. Mesti breast feeding journey best kan. Jangan putus asa ok. Org dulu bleh full bf. Teknologi dah makin canggih moga terus bf dengan jayanya.
ReplyDeleteKaum ibu perlu tahu perkara ini, kerana mereka lebih perlu tahu . Kalau Naim blur pasal ini
ReplyDeleteTeringat dulu bersalinkan anak sulung. Masa tu serius tak prepare utk bengkak susu. Sampau sakit belakang juga.
ReplyDeleteEngorgement tu saya kena time 3rd baby, fuh sakit dia mmg tahap menangis ...
ReplyDeleteuishhh takut juga ya bila bengkak susu nie berlaku. banyak cabaran betul jadi perempuan ya. bila baca benda nie terus rasa takutt.
ReplyDeleteKita smpai sekrg masihkadg bengkak lagi.. Memng boleh buat demma la.. Bagusla bila ada alat ni..
ReplyDeleteBagusnya ada ni. Takyah dah susah basahkan kain dengan air suam
ReplyDeleteGreat products for mothers! I neveryou encounter such problems, but would love to try if I'm having such difficulties
ReplyDeleteGood product for mothers yg masih breast feeding. And this is a good post too. Very informative.
ReplyDeleteBelum ada pengalaman menyusu, but oleh gna one sweeet day. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this tips, info and products will share with my cousin yang tengah expecting
ReplyDeleteEloklah utk ibu2 yg menyusu baby and dlm pantang
ReplyDeletebanyaknya info dan input yang saya dapat daripada artikel ini. terima kasih share ya, barulah saya tau serba sedikit tentang wanita. :)
ReplyDeleteDah ada pelbagai alternatif dah khas untuk masalah kaum ibu. Satu perkembangan yang baik. Tak macam dulu. Artikel yang bagus sebagai perkongsian.
ReplyDeletei baru tahu fungsi benda tu...masa dulu takde rasanya ..skrg dah ada mmg memudahkan
ReplyDeleteDah kena mastitis. Sakit woo menangis malam2 tuam sendiri makan panadol nk kasi tidur. Nasib baik ada shapee. Bila berdenyut terus tuam.
ReplyDeleteSekarang dah banyak bantuan tuk ibu ibu menyusu ni kan.
ReplyDeleteKlau kena bngkak tu mmng sakit.
Sekarang dah blh standby alatan macam ni.
thanks for sharing. semoga bermanfaat buat semua ya entry ni :)
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