Hey my dearest readers 💓
How are you all been doing lately? I hope you are all in great health. Mentally and Physically. I am doing quite well myself, discovering some good traits and also some bad habits during this 'Restricted Movement Order' (RMO) or others may call it 'Movement Control Order' ( MCO ). Well that's for another posting I guess. 😂
Anyway, while we all are fighting this pandemic virus Covid19 by staying safe at home. What do you all miss the most ? Sometimes the simplest things we took for granted all these while are the most important thing in our life now. It made me realized how I never took the time to really appreciate and thankful for the things that was there in front of me. 😥
Let me jolt down 3 things that I miss the most and maybe you all can share with me yours ? So let's begin !~
1. Family and Friends.
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My Family |
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My mom's family side |
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Hubby's family |
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My Papa's family side |
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My Crazy Aliens ! |
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My Insane |
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Mak2 Dumchaks Family day out . |
This is the MOST important out of all !! My dearest family ~~
My Mama and my 3 younger sisters. 😭💕💗
My Mummy, my 2 brothers and sister. My adorable nieces. 💓
My Aunty and Uncles , Cousins , Nephew and Nieces.
My best friends and their kids.
Just having them around. Chill out and be able to talk and hug them like we used to do. I really miss them all. I miss my mom the most 😭😭
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Langkawi Waterworld |
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Penang hotel |
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Colmar Tropicale |
I miss having a time out from home and have short getaway trip with my family. Either it only be in Kuala Lumpur or other states or country. I am content and happy with just a day trip . Eating out , new scenery, fresh air , meeting people, learn new culture and such. All of that, which is impossible to do now 😖
3. Food Hunting
Eating out in your favorite restaurant. Relaxing in your favorite cafe gossiping with your close friends, enjoying live bands while eating dinner with your family.
Yes, you can still enjoy most of your favorite food by ordering online deliveries but the atmosphere is NOT the same right ? The experience is different all together !! ~~😣😣
Well that's the 3 things I miss the most. How about you? Do you miss the same as I do or maybe you miss your work ? Your school? Your Gym?
Which ever it is, even-though after the RMO / MCO. We still have to practice social distancing - no handshakes or hugs, extra hygienic measure by constantly washing your hand, wear mask and hand sanitizers. We still have to take good care of our health. This is the NEW normal routines.
So let's do our part by complying the government's order until further notice. Take care of your health and hygiene.
Are we going to miss Hari Raya celebration together this year ? I am not sure of the future but what I can say just stay connected to the ones you love via phone call, whatsapp , video call or any social media platform. Always tell them that you love them.
It's okay if we can't celebrate together, atleast we are all alive and healthy. Insyallah we can make up time next year. Let's pray this pandemic will end soon and everyone will be safe.
Well thats all for now ! Thanks a bunch for reading my blog !! I hope you enjoy as much as I do 😍😘
Do leave me a comment and share with me the thing u miss most okay ?!
Do leave me a comment and share with me the thing u miss most okay ?!
Stay safe , Stay at home and Stay Healthy always !!! 💓
Be nice, Be respectful and Be responsible.
Love and rise up ,
Zazasters a.k.a MamaMonsta👻
#stayhome #dudukrumah #kitajagakita #rakyatjagarakyat
#benicetoeachother #westandstrongtogether #letsfightcovid19
#covid19 #respecteachother #zazasters #KLblogger
#lifestyleblogger #malaysianlifestylebloggers #takecareofeachother
#stopspreadingvirus #spreadloveinstead
I miss travelling so much, too!
ReplyDeleteI am supposed to travel to Sabah on March but due to the pandemic, I chose to cancel my trip.
I wish we could live our normal lives again.
Followed you here! :)
Yes I was supposed to travel to Mabul too but safety 1st had to cancel too ~~ Lets pray everything will be back to the way it is again.
Deletethanks and I've followed you back !
Aaa I miss outings. And jalan jalan kat malls. Hehe
ReplyDeleteI miss hanging out with my friends, miss riding public transport alone without purpose, food hunting and supposed to travel to Indonesia this August with my college friends but got cancelled
ReplyDeleterindu nak balik kampung jumpa mak, rindu nak pi opis jumpa kawan-kawan, rindu semualah sebab dah terkurung lama kat rumah. tapi yang pasti ada banyak masa dengan anak-anak, dan cukup bersyukur alhamdulillah
ReplyDeletesmua2 yg zaza list tu mmg rindu tp paling rindu kt family nk2 bln puasa slalu blk kampung berbuka puasa ramai2 adik beradik berkumpul tp thn ni xdpt :(
ReplyDeleteRindu semua. Rindu nak melepak dekat bandar. Rindu nak tengok wayang. Rindu nak melepak di mall. Rindu semua lah.
ReplyDeleteBanyak benda rindu sebenarnya, tapi paling rindu sekali, nak lepak rumah Mak ramai-ramai dengan adik beradik semua dan masak dan makan bersama..tu yang paling rindu..
ReplyDeleteI miss going out with friends and going to the gym. And I miss walking in the mall too
ReplyDelete1, 2, 3 tu memang yang saya paling rindukan. Nak berjalan tanpa ada sekatan dan rasa takut.
ReplyDeleteWah ramai ahli keluarga pasti meriah bila berjumpa PKP ni mesti rindu nak jumpa semua, Travel hrmm kena cancel juga nak buat macam mana PM dah umum tak boleh pergi keluar negara. Harap AA boleh bagi refund dan travel selalunya mmg cari makanan viral untuk dicuba! tahun ni... kita ddk diam-diam dirumah saje
ReplyDeleteBuat masa ni, hanya mampu imbau kenangan percutian. PKP lebih perlu diutamakan. Salam Ramadan. Bersama kita jaga kita.
ReplyDelete- Atul rindu nak balik kg jumpa mak abah, kalau tak tiap² bulan balik kg
ReplyDelete- Rindu nak jalan2 with my little family
- life macam sebelum² ni
Yer lah memang betul paling kita rindu dan juga nak sangat jumpa waktu ni adalah family kita yang jauh kat kg tu waaaa rasa nak nangis je lepas kerajaan umum lak tak boleh nak balik rentas negeri raya nanti jangan lah kita rundi masakan mak kita waaaaaa....
ReplyDeleteSemua yang you senaraikan sama macam apa saya rasa. But paling rindu ialah keluarga..sedih tak dapat balik kampong. Ray apun tak dapat balik kampung
ReplyDeleteYa sudah semestinya keluarga. adikberadik, n saya pun dah x sabar nak travel macam dulu-dulu. hope bnda ni selesai cepat2.
ReplyDeletemiss my husband n travelling..
ReplyDeleteTerlalu banyak yang rindu.. Family memang lah. Rindunya nak berkumpul adik beradik chit chat lama lama. Sekarang melalui whatsapp ajelah. Lepas tu nak cuti sana sini dengan family hirup udara segar.. Rindunya
ReplyDeleteI.miss my mom so much huhuhu.. actually dia duduk pk.. tapi kitaorang duduk shah alam lebih 10km
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